Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Sometimes, The Most Intelligent Thing One Can Say...

WARNING:  ANGRY MOONBAT RANT APPROACHING!  There are moments when the only thing one can do is either exercise one's right to remain silent or scream "Fuck you!  Fuck you, fuck the horse you rode in on, fuck your fucked up, pissy, sanctimonious, holier-than-thou attitude, fuck your nose that you look down.  Just fuck you!"  Unless you're Gene Simmons and you have enough money that you don't have to care, it's probably better in the long run to exercise one's right to remain silent, although that has been known to cause ulcers.

I can't stand fucking bullies.  Whether it's the mean kid on the playground, the priest who manipulates his flock, the abusive spouse or the supervisor who lords over an employee, I fucking hate bullies.  I also hate, hate, hate passive-aggressive fuckers.  If you're going to be a bastard, be a bastard.  Own that shit.  Don't be a douche wagon and then act all butthurt when the object of your douchery either strikes back or shuts you down altogether.  And if you are going to own it, fuck you and don't be surprised when I strike back.

To the object of my anger:  Fuck you.  Fuck your fucked up ideas of who or what you think I should be.  What you see is what you get.  Fuck you for being jealous that I am perfectly happy with who I am and what I have and I don't give a single gram of fuck if anyone is impressed.  Fuck you for bring too much of a pussy to be yourself, and instead forever worrying what someone else thinks of you.  It must suck to be you and be so fucked up about what some fucker has to say about shit that doesn't even fucking matter.  Fuck you for trying to shake my self-confidence for no reason other than to have another insecure fucker like yourself in the world.  Fuck you for not liking yourself enough to have self-confidence.  Must suck to surround yourself with fuckers who constantly have to one-up each other to the point that everyone is fucked up about what everyone else is doing.  Fuck you for looking down your sanctimonious nose at me for my view of the world without ever bothering to consider seeing the world through my eyes.  Fuck you for thinking that your view is the only view.  Fuck you for thinking that you are a deity and I am a child of a lesser god.  Fuck you and your pissy "not our class, dear" attitude.  Fuck you.  Just fuck you.

I feel better now.   Shit like that can stay in forever.  Sometimes, life is just another example of da man trying to keep a moonbat down.

As an aside, a sex scandal involving the local rich bitch all-girls Catholic school has hit the airwaves.  I have to say I'm fucking amused.  The amusing part is how they look down at the public schools and guess what?  Right in their own house.  No, I'm not glad that a child was molested by a teacher.  I'm just amused that Saint Richbitch Academy's reputation has been besmirched.

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